Hi All,
So… EXCITING news!!!! We have a new addition to the Wren & Rye clan…
Little Maize :), isn’t she just the cutest?

Name - Maize (Rye and Maize… get it?)
Breed - Cocker Spaniel
Colouring - Lemon and White
Nicknames - So far… Puppy, Wheat, Little ‘un and obviously Maisey (we are sure this is going to develop into Maisey Daisy)
Traits - A confident little pup! Bed destroyer!
Job Role - She doesn’t really have one yet… but she has been testing out the new PVC bows!
Loves - Rye Bye (though the love might not be completely mutual), ALL the toys and attacking rose bushes
Random Fact - She has one brown and one blue eye!
We will update you with more when we get to know her better!
But my god we are in love :).
Ash W&R xx
P.S. We are planning an exciting Puppy Preparation post - so a blog detailing our must have items, what worked and didn’t work for us and what to expect :) - watch this space!